A boring post but the first in a long time so deal with it.

Well, after a HUGE hiatus, I might be back. It has been so long since my last submission, I am not really sure why I am even bothering. On thing is for sure, when I posted more frequently, (ha!) my hatredfortheindustry meter was kept in the low yellows more often. Over the past year (almost) since I published last I have hit levels I did not even know were possible. The best part about the frustration is that it had everything to do with me and really nothing to do with anything else. I have made peace with that now and hopefully I will allow myself to move on. You see, I really have been blogging, just not here. A couple of examples are: bikes and rec and more recently pedal and paddle . Neither of which have anything to do with being a mortician but have everything to do with being alive. I like being alive, it feels good if you are doing it right. If you go to either of these sites you will quickly realize that they have very little writing involved in them and have much more to ...