On another note. I deactivated my FACEBOOK account the other day. Monday to be exact. I can't properly explain how it feels yet. WHY! would I do such a thing you ask. To be honest, it's a bit of a whim really. I know I looked at it too much and I know it was not genuinely enriching my life but also know it was not hurting me and it really was serving me to keep in touch with what was "going on". I just decided one night that I needed to see what life was like without it. This came with some contemplation about eliminating other things in my life that may or may not need to be excised or at the very least exorcised (which I will keep to myself and let you ruminate upon). So FACEBOOK had become something that I simply didn't think I wanted to deal with anymore and now it's gone. Now it's gone and I feel lonely. I feel lonely about not having that endless stream of crap flow in front of my eyes? No, wait now, it was not all crap. I loved seeing what my frien...