a letter to Jeff Tweedy

I think this will be a part of a series of letters I write to people I am intrigued with and have something to say to even though I have no idea if the letter will even reach them. this one has a doozy in it that I have only eluded to in the past. Dear Jeff Tweedy, It's pretty weird to be writing you a letter. Going over it last night as I was attempting to sleep did not account for thinking about you actually reading it. I have had this project in mind that involved sending postcards to "people of note" but hadn't tried to look up any addresses on the internet until last night. After reading about the new box set of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, I decided to look up your address on google and much to my surprise, a fairly reasonable address popped up for you. I haven't written a letter that wasn't electronically transmitted since the technology first came to be. This could DEFINITELY be considered a fan letter. I don't know how many of those you get but this...