Monday on Wednesday

Back from days off and glad for it. Walked into work this morning to be greeted with a slow house and a fresh family to meet with at 11:00. Perfect. I love being able to come in here after days off and get my feet wet slowly. It always takes longer to adjust when its balls to the wall before you get your first cup of coffee.

Family this morning was sweet. Kind, caring, TIGHT little unit that obviously was going to miss the old guy. They kept him at home for as long as they possibly could. He spent most of his time dying at home on hospice with only a few weeks in a nursing home when it just got to be too much for his wife. I respect that highly. So many people these days are willing to shuttle "mom" off to the home before they even attempt to try and take it on themselves. I suppose it could be an indication of how much investment "mom" put in, but most of the time it seems like it's simply a matter of convenience for the family. It is not always about convenience folks. Sometimes its about doing it the hard way. The less convenient path is usually the one that offers the most rewards.


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