so long ago

I find that because no one reads this thing that I have a hard time updating it. it has been so long.

Lately, I have been pondering what I really do. Lately, I have decided that I am a middle man between you and what you are supposed to do when someone dies. You don't always know what to do and I don't always know what you need. Really, all I am is the guy that is willing to be bothered in the middle of the night, (besides the ones who are taking care of the loved one before they die) and the family with ( or not with ) the person that dies. I am the guy willing to undertake the responsibility of being bothered. Besides that fact, I am the only one legally allowed (at least in my state) to sell you a casket, cremate a body, sell you a pre-arranged/prefunded funeral. I also tend to keep up on the literature, read the books, and study the way people grieve.

I am getting better at figuring out what you need.

A few things that you need to understand:

You could do this yourself if you wanted to and you would probably be better off if you did, however, you probably don't want to and you probably want help.

What you get from me is my experience and my service, not the crap I can sell you if you want it.

Most Americans don't know what they want and don't understand what is possible. They are trapped in a model handed down from the civil war. - Most funeral homes don't know how to step away from this model and help you figure out what you need!!!

I am but a keeper of ritual. I am the one that knows more than you about what to do with dead bodies. You are the one that will have to suffer the consequences of not doing this right. When you suffer, I suffer. I want to help you do this right.


Anonymous said…
I am reading it! Keep posting, and I'll keep reading.

Do you have it setup for an RSS feed??


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