life, love, sex and death and never in that order
THIS PHOTO IS 13 YEARS NEWER THAN THIS POST Let's just say this, I am in a bit of a "state" right now. state n. 1. A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances: a state of confusion. Big time. Ok. got it? For those of you that know me, forget it, throw that away, you do not. Not even close. I am A. Mortician, that is all you know. That being said, let me attempt at blathering on for awhile. I dodged a particularly tragic pair of deaths this week. Conflicting arrangement times prevented me from meeting with the family of a nightmarish tragedy. Counting myself lucky, I moved on into my week attacking various duties with great abandonment and beautiful hope for the future. Then, a few days ago, I was greeted with my comeuppance. A distraught and destroyed woman on the other end of a telephone telling me that she needed my help. Help with the kind of thing I know a bit about. This is, as they say, not my first rodeo. I listened, I cared, I used "th...