sick of videos? too bad for you I guess.

Sorry that is not very nice is it...oh well. I ran across this lovely video today and was reminded again of how much I dearly love the Melvins. One of my favorite shows was when they opened up for Nirvana in a college basketball stadium in my hometown of ___________. They tore the roof off the place. Nirvana then played and they proceeded to destroy the floor, foundation and 3 square blocks around the arena. It was beautiful.

I guess I write this because sometimes when the walls around you are crumbling down upon your naked soul it can still be OK. We need death and disintegration to allow us to build again from scratch. I know that when I see families wrecked and ravaged from loss and sorrow that every once and awhile they come through the other side as much better people. Pain gives us strength if we can get though it. I think.

My life as an undertaker has changed more in the last month than in the last 15 years I have been practicing the trade. I have become more engaged more present and completely focused on what is needed and what is not.

Stay tuned. Just a preamble.


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