
*Edit*. still going to be "unknown". Those of you know...keep your mouths shut.
oh shit. guess what? no. more. constraints.
My name is ____________ and this has been my blog since 2004. I have been terrible about posting to it but that has been for a number of reasons. For years I was saddled with protecting the anonymity of the people I was "serving". I find myself in a time where I have no reasons to protect anyone any longer. If you are interested in hearing about the funeral/death industry as I have seen it for the past 20 years, well, this will be the place for you.

So, without further adieu, I give you my only request for my funeral. All I want is for this song to be played. One time, and only this. No words, just this song, unreasonably loud, with some sort of light show. Cool? OK. check back later, I will be here.


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