
Showing posts from August, 2022


I was working at the market yesterday, allegedly working. kids these days I tell you what...i know it's me, it's not age. I surround myself with plenty of people "my age" they don't act like I do. I am too much for most people my age. whimsical irreverence is freedom. Maybe bobė“… taught me that? I just don't care  that much about the affairs of others. It's amazing how much people care about shit that is inconsequential to them. if they even thought about that stuff. (*I also know that I am allowed to be the way I am out of extreme privilege. I don't worry too much about financial stuff because I am generally broke, i don't give  a fuck about possessions, and i think money is stupid and meant to be spent or burned (THanks star trek).  I make it happen when it needs to happen but I recognize that if shit hits the fan, i can probably get bailed out by my parents who moved on the crab long ago. good decisions, hard work and good fucking ethics put them...


I am currently watching all of TNG in sequential order. We are at S5E26. It has been ENGAGING to say the least. A few things: 1. Trek doesn't give a fuck about inconsistency. the keystone cops of the federation bumbled their way into saving the whales by warping around THE SUN in stolen a KLINGON BIRD OF PREY owned by Doc Brown. from then on the time has time travelling capability AND a cloaking device . TNG Enterprise ( s7e5 ) had to  borrow a device from the Klingons during some Romulan kerfuffle. BULLSHIT 2. guinan. i personally think she could have been a bit more helpful.   3. Riker is a dog. 4. there's  obviously  a lot more but i just bored myself into stopping at this point.    Th e best thing about Trek is that it showcases the best it could be in the future with still allowing for human idiocy. replicators changed it all. imagine living in a world with out realtors. i can't wait for the future.  WORKING AT THE MARKET HAS BEEN MESSING WIT...


Haven't been able to sleep lately. Just crushed 5 hours. PINK FUZZ   on the headphones now. Got some arts done yesterday. More today. What a life.  I had coffee with a friend yesterday, a real friend but also a major 'splainer. His wisdom is fine but rarely necessary. I HAVE HOWEVER, taken from him a better understanding of grace and forgiveness. People are all flawed. Thats the truth. It's OK to take what you need. Offering that to yourself is terribly important.  The story behind the image above can be found by clicking upon it. Anyway, here's to habits and such. Don't piss into any wooden nickels. It takes an awfully big dog to weigh an Uzi. I drew the pictures below on an airplane high on LEGAL DRUGS. I DREW THEM EXCLUSIVELY FOR MY EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD SON TO WAKE UP TO.                     
Obviously a post from the past. I FUCKED UP AND MOVED IT AND THIS BLOGGER APP IS SO OLD IT FORGOT WHERE IT WENT.  Gonna put it up here anyway.  Filler up. There is a curse in living where you grew up. I have lived in _____ for 40 years excluding a few years in _________ and ______. Over those years I have met many folks, I have many friends and have very few enemies (to my knowledge). I have much love and connection in this town and with that comes pain. This job I do really makes me confront my time here on earth. It's never easy but there are times when it becomes much harder. I do not consider myself a particularly weak person but there are days that I feel pretty beat down by it all.  My problem is, I know too much.  What I am confronting right now is just how thick my callouses have become. I don't mind the smell of decomposing bodies, I don't flinch at gaping gunshot wounds, it never surprises me to find stomach contents filled with partially digested pills...