Haven't been able to sleep lately. Just crushed 5 hours. PINK FUZZ on the headphones now. Got some arts done yesterday. More today. What a life. 

I had coffee with a friend yesterday, a real friend but also a major 'splainer. His wisdom is fine but rarely necessary. I HAVE HOWEVER, taken from him a better understanding of grace and forgiveness. People are all flawed. Thats the truth. It's OK to take what you need. Offering that to yourself is terribly important. 
The story behind the image above can be found by clicking upon it. Anyway, here's to habits and such. Don't piss into any wooden nickels. It takes an awfully big dog to weigh an Uzi. I drew the pictures below on an airplane high on LEGAL DRUGS. I DREW THEM EXCLUSIVELY FOR MY EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD SON TO WAKE UP TO. 


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